Infantry Tier Robotics Partkit
As an amateur roboticist, you've decided that a mechanical alarm clock and shampoo dispenser weren't enough, and you need to make something to feed you cereal as well. That's fine. We have plenty more kits where that last one came from. With this kit you can make up to four mechanical creations, provided you don't fuck something up along the way. It might not get you a lot of views on HoloTube, but it'll satisfy that inventor's itch we know you have. Like all PartKits, this doesn't contain a mobile workstation and needs the use of yours or someone else's CraftKit or Mobile Workstation.
  • Creds: 4000
  • Ammo: Parts for up to four infantry-tier items
  • Requirements: None
  • Rolls: Handiwork

Additional Details

  • Contains parts for four items
  • Does not come with its own mobile workstation; you'll need to carry one yourself or borrow someone else's
  • Can only craft items up to a certain quality and ability; past this level your work becomes significantly more difficult
  • You're allowed to keep your creations if you so choose back at base or restock the kit
  • You can even sell your creations to other inmates

Ingame Example

Technical Details

Ship: Conventional
Ship: Unconventional
Ship: Exotic
Ship: Auxiliary
Ship: Handiwork
Ship: Robotics
Ship Catalog

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