VITAL Dropship
Everybody keeps asking if this is for real. My answer: Hell yes. Purchasing this will replace your standard CASKET with a lower-quality model of the standard Tartarus Inc. Dropship, the ultimate in CASKET transportation. Capable of carrying up to four CASKETs instead of the standard 5, the front is replaced with a ramming tip capable of penetrating most ship hulls. Easy to dock with and adds shielded protection for any CASKETs aboard, though it won't protect you from high-powered beams or point-blank nukes. Although this model doesn't have warp coils, though, so don't expect to use it to escape. It's also difficult to maneuver in tight spaces, so keep that in mind.
  • Creds: 10000
  • Ammo: Whatever you bring
  • Requirements: +1 Auxiliary
  • Rolls: All Stats

Additional Details

  • Heavy armor on the front. Protects from most incoming fire from that direction.
  • Includes SPEAR tip upgrade. Capable of piercing ship hulls without sustaining any damage.
  • Docked CASKETS placed strategically so they can't be hit by fire from the front. Lightly armored "covers" keep them from taking light fire until destination is reached. Still vulnerable to heavy fire.
  • Still comes with two aux slots
  • Has four weapon hardpoints, with two default weapon mounts
  • No robotic arms.
  • CASKET Ejection Units will launch CASKETs with enough force to surprise enemies; guaranteed half-turn before they come under fire, minimum

Ingame Example

Technical Details

Ship: Conventional
Ship: Unconventional
Ship: Exotic
Ship: Auxiliary
Ship: Handiwork
Ship: Robotics
Ship Catalog

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